Benjamin Rericha


Budge It

Android, Kotlin

Give your budget a push with Budge It. Using envelope budgeting, Budge It helps you keep on top of your expenses and goals. By setting aside a portion of the total every paycheck, Budge It helps you never worry about due dates again.

Budge It is powered by: Android, Dagger Hilt, Firebase, Kotlin, Kotlin Coroutines, Plaid, Retrofit, RevenueCat, Room Database

Wallpaper Addict

Android, Kotlin

Wallpaper Addict is an unofficial Android client for, a community driven wallpaper website.

Wallpaper Addict is powered by: Android, dependency injection (Koin), Kotlin, Kotlin Coroutines, Retrofit, Room Database

My Skills


I started teaching myself how to create Android apps way back in 2010. Over the years I have created a number of Android apps ranging from streaming online radio, logging user defined events, and wallpaper clients. I primarly use Kotlin, before that Java, and often utilize Android Lifecycle Components, Dagger Hilt, Firebase, Moshi, Retrofit, Room, and Timber.


Outside of Android, I have worked with various other languages and frameworks, mainly NodeJS and Python. I have also dabbled in C, Go, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.


Want to talk? I can be contacted by email at